Saturday, February 27, 2010


Think childbirth is supposed to be painful? Think again! Check out these amazing videos on Orgasmic Child Birth:

Orgasmic Birth Movie Trailer

20/20 news piece and interviews of 'Orgasmic Birth' parents:

BIRTH as we KNOW it - On natural childbirth, the way nature intended:

Please note some of these videos contain graphic images and nudity.

Friday, February 26, 2010

"The vibratory rate of ones body is more strongly affected by what goes out of it, than by what comes in."

A life of miracles
" You can only feel love by expressing love."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are you waiting for a miracle?

"The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and beauty that are available now."

-- Thich Nhat Hanh

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

"When we feel passion for something, it is because we are remembering what it was that we came here to do. The more passion we feel, the more in alignment with Source we are, allowing this energy to pour through us with no hesitation. This is the way it was meant to be."

~ Karen Bishop

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What is Nirvana ?

Great video of Thich Nhat Hanh speaking on Nirvana:
"Sit in the stillness of nature and hear the quiet songs of wind and bird that no man or machine ever created.
Be inspired, be humbled and be in reverence for the sheer wonder of life.
And then, grant yourself permission to be loved and revered right back.
For this is your planet and you are its beloved child."

- Billa


Monday, February 15, 2010

"Be willing to bravely and compassionately enter the unhealed places in our own hearts. When we’re on intimate terms with our own pain and suffering, and have made a commitment to heal them, we have far less difficulty keeping our hearts open to others. And our very presence becomes part of the healing as our patients realize that they are not alone—and not hopelessly flawed..."

Dr Christiane Northup

SOURCE: Article THE WISDOM OF THE HEART; My Prescription for Preventing and Healing Heart Disease by Dr Christiane Northrup
"The only way to heal the discomforts of the heart is to feel them fully, have faith in a power greater than yourself, and then live your life robustly."

- Dr Christiane Northrup
"We go home to the present moment. We arrive at the here and the Now. We go home to touch the peace & the joy within and around us".

~Thich Nat Hahn

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wellness rains down like water from the sky and it is available to everyone who doesn’t duck under a bush or an umbrella and prevent it from falling on them.

~ Abraham-Hicks~

Friday, February 12, 2010

It's as simple as being here in the now.

It's as simple as being here in the now. Period. Not flashy, necessarily, yet oh so sweet and satisfying. So satisfying nothing else is wanted, or needed. We often want "higher states" to be this simple Presence. Sorry, there is no such thing as permanent higher states where lotus blossoms bloom where you have walked, the angels bow, and milk & honey is always available for your bowl of cherries. Just Be Still. Be in the moment, as it is,wanting nothing different from what is here now.

When PapaJi met Ramana Maharshi, he bragged that he could materialize the Hindu God Krishna, and play with him. Ramana asked, "is Krishna here now"? PapaJi said "no". Ramana said: "That which comes and goes is not Real. Look for that which does not come and go". THAT is the prize. This simple awareness that has always been here, been here through happiness and sadness, through high and low. Unchanging. Our True

It is our egoic identity that wants things as they are not, that wants things the way it thinks they should, or will, be. Accept and embrace what is here now. It may take some back and forth burning, but if you love This enough, you will always come back when you have strayed in mind identification. Always come back home.

Just Being Here Now, in the present moment, is God aware of Itself in your earthly human body.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How can I have peace of mind?

Question: How can I have peace of mind?

Emmanuel: You cannot. Either you have one or the other. The mind is what is preventing you from having peace. Drop the mind and peace will bloom.

"Stop searching outside yourself. Self-knowledge must be the only search. Knowing everything without knowing yourself is pointless."

- Emmanuel


Make Your Choice

“The energy that bounds us together is Love. Love, is the one single force in the Universe, there is no other source of energy, and how you relate to that force determinates its effects in your plane. You are conductors of energy, and is time for every one of you to make the choice about how to conduct the Love/Life energy-force into actions."

- Ashtar Sheran


Adama on the role of Forgiveness in the ascension process

"Now is the time to connect again to the pure frequency of your heart, the Heart of Lemuria, the heart of the Divine. For within this frequency lies the essence of forgiveness, and within the essence of forgiveness lies the truth of your Divine Essence.

We have witnessed so many of you crying out that you are still trapped behind the veil, that you cannot be in touch with your family and friends on the other side of the veil. You complain that you cannot gather with us and share in our lifestyle and community, which seems to you to include much more ease and grace than the one you are currently part of. But I will say to you again that the only veil that exists is the one you have created. The veil that you still experience is the veil of your fears, your erroneous belief systems and your sadness.

It is not the traumas that you have suffered over the course of your evolution that are the cause of your pain today, it is your unwillingness to touch your pain. It is your unwillingness to experience the fear and sadness and nourish your pain with forgiveness. The act of forging the self is the beacon that brings you back to the pure frequency of the Heart of Lemuria. Rather than comforting your pain, you long for things to be otherwise. You turn from your pain rather than towards it. Give yourself permission to feel again and to rediscover the heart's vibration. Where you are now, behind your veil for most of you, your fears often feel like they will cause your heart to stop, or will make it beat faster and faster. The sorrows and sadness you hold within cause the heart to feel as if it is breaking, in very physical terms. Offer to God your broken heart if you may, and allow the Divine within your Sacred Heart to bring a healing.

In truth, it is your mind that is taking you a little deeper into the reservoir of emotion that you have encountered throughout your lifetimes. But the mind alone cannot accomplish this type of healing. The heart's frequency is what guides us through this seeming minefield and nourishes us with the love of the Universe.
Each time you give permission for this to happen you are connecting to your cellular memory again.

You can move the fear or the sadness out of your physical structure and out of your DNA's genetic lineage for all time and space. You can start feeling your body in ways that you have not felt before. It can be a general feeling of more connection to the body. The body becomes more graceful, faster or less painful. It can manifest as a release in a part of the body, such as in an organ, a muscle or the skeletal system.

The frequency of forgiveness is of the frequency of heart.

Tapping into the heart allows you to inform the mind and the body of this gift, not just for this lifetime, but for all lifetimes as well. Many have written that the soul is located in the great central cell of the pineal gland. This is not exact. In truth, the body lies within the soul. What we call the aura is the lowest vibration of the soul. The soul extends outward around the body. Our soul creates the energy that motivates the body to move on. The soul defines our level of health or sickness. It is through the heart's frequency that we connect with our soul, and with the soul of the Divine of which we are all a part. The best tonic for all maladies of the heart, all disconnection from this divine frequency and the rhythm of your physical life, is forgiveness.

The most powerful way to nourish each other is to listen to another person's truth and accept it. The next level is hearing another person's truth, accepting them for what it is, and loving them for it. The next level is hearing another's truth, accepting them and loving them in spite of it. This is the essence of forgiveness that, truthfully, there is nothing to forgive.

The heart that beats in your body is the same as the Heart of Lemuria.
Listen to it and treasure it. You are not incomplete and you are not incapable of becoming this Heart with your entire being, and of vibrating this frequency throughout your entire beingness. When you become this, there will be no other initiations or purifications that will be necessary before you can be
allowed through the veil.

All that you need, all that you have ever needed, lies within you. It is only your awareness of it that must shift, not through the mind but through the heart, that will mirror this frequency to the world around you.

Your awareness has been focused until now on the veil of duality, which was created by the nature of the mind and not the heart. The mind's awareness will always seek to qualify and differentiate, to judge one against the other. It will see anger and distrust, because it also sees love and calm. It will see arrogance and greed because it also sees mercy and generosity.The heart, however, is aware only of unity, which is the product of unconditional love and forgiveness.

Forgiveness is what will allow you to stop eluding the pain that has been there for so long. The light of awareness will enter into the parts of your soul that have long been relegated to the shadows, and you will no longer be able to deny yourselves entry into the Heart of Lemuria that exists around you without veil at all times. And what will it be like to awaken free of all veils? Free of judgment and remorse? Free of fear and sadness? Free of the desire for everything and anything to be different?
Free of the feelings of shame and unworthiness? Free of the illusion that you are not God?

It will be like your heart has burst into a realm of infinite possibility and infinite joy. You will discover that everything that you have ever desired has been there all along. And the world around you will hold this same frequency, and we will be there to greet you!

May the love of the Divine show itself to each of you in the vibration of your heart! And may the Heart of Lemuria shine on Earth through all dimensions of time and space! This is our greatest wish for you today. We thank each of you for entertaining this possibility and for joining with us in love and unity.

Until we speak again, I am your friend and brother, Adama."

SOURCE: 'Protocols of the fifth dimension' by Aurelia Louise Jones

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Your Reality is Within You" - EL MORYA/Natalie Glasson-

"I wish for you to understand that your inner reality is in truth your only reality. It is your link to the heavens, to the inner planes and to the Creator’s soul. Through your inner reality you will manifest your outer reality. So your inner energy and presence is vitally important, because you will draw the Creator’s heaven and soul into your inner reality, before you manifest it in your outer reality.

I also wish to state that you are the Creator, and therefore the soul, heaven and sacred sanctuary of the Creator is your inner reality.You just have to find the door that opens you to this reality. This means that what you search for isn’t in the universe, but is within you.

Thirdly, I wish to point out that the disharmony, separation and controversy within you is not your truth, it is not you, but is simply a product of physical existence; it is your challenge.
It is as if the Creator has given you an electrical device that you must wire into your home. Only once you have discovered the connections and linked them together appropriately, will a complete circuit manifest, thus allowing integration and fusion.
With these three understandings;

1.Tthat you are supported.
2.Your inner reality is your only reality.
3.You are not the disharmony within you.

Then you begin to make your challenge of dissolving separation, and creating tranquillity within you much easier.
When we begin to look within us, we notice that outside influences can help and support us, but it is our own dedication to bringing harmony to your inner energies, that will aid our connection with the Creator.

There are three ways that you can assist yourself in gaining inner harmony.
These are ;
*through the focus of your mind,
* through the alignment of your soul or Creator energies with your physical body and reality,
*and the cleansing and clearing of all particles of energies, or unneeded energies within your entire being.

It is through these processes that you will gain an inner stillness and an inner sanctuary for you to exist within and as, which will influence your outer reality, building experiences of love and positivity.

It is through the clearing of disharmony, separation and controversy, that you will gain a sense of your truth self, wisdom, presence, ability and magnificence, thus embodying an existence that allows integration with the Creator’s soul to be easier and natural.

Through harmony and tranquillity one is able to adopt the natural state of being of the Creator. This is a state of focus, peace, harmony and balance.

I am speaking about those times when your mind is free from thoughts, your emotions harmonized and high, and your essence supportive and loving you.
Those times when it feels as if nothing exists, not even your physical body or your surroundings, and you feel content in simply being.
It is those times when you are at one with the Creator’s soul and you have found your inner reality.

It is the physical and personality aspect of our being that must be active in body and mind, and yet it is those moments of stillness,that gives us most joy with feelings of achievement and unification.

In many ways obstacles and challenges are placed in your reality to help you realize your inner reality, energies and presence, and how this has more impact on your life than any pattern of worry, fear or doubt.
It is a process of mastery, transcending above or releasing all the clutter that is no longer needed and fusing your energies together.

Due to your complex involvement in your physical reality; to withdraw from your responsibilities and circumstances would be a mistake, because they are your tools of practice.
To help you practice bringing stillness to your mind, harmony to your emotions, and unity to your physical and spiritual energies.

The important thing to realize is that there is no set path to achieve these goals.
It is for you to discover the correct path for you; a path of learning and mastery, that inspires you and brings you further joy.

And remember, in my previous communication I stated that it doesn’t matter if you walk a different staircase to others, because your pathway is correct for you.

By dissolving and releasing the controversy and disharmony within our minds, emotions and energies, we manifest peace, balance and love on the Earth.

This goal is so pure and worthy of your efforts
Let yourself be devoted and allow yourself to discover the beauty, healing energies and enlightenment of your inner reality.

I thank you for your dedication and attention,
I am Master El Morya

Natalie Glasson, Wisdom of the Light,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"When one becomes the center of stillness, the place where the cosmos slows down around us, manifestation becomes instant."

- Almine

Monday, February 8, 2010

"Life expresses itself through love. The stream of life is a wave on the ocean of love."

- Ramana Maharishi


You cannot get sick enough to help sick people get better. You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive. It is only in your thriving that you have anything to offer anyone. If you're wanting to be of an advantage to others, be as tapped in, tuned in, turned on as you can possibly be.

- Abraham-Hicks

Lester Levenson on Unconditional Love

"When I mixed with people and again and again when they would do things that I didn't like and within me was a feeling of non-love, I would immediately change that attitude to one of loving them even though they were opposing me. Eventually I got to a point where, no matter how much I was being opposed, I could maintain a feeling of love for them."

-Lester Levenson

Saturday, February 6, 2010

We are all divine

A student of J. Krisnamurti once said, "the more I listen to you, the more I think you are an atheist." And Krisnamurti replied, "I was an atheist, until I realized I was God." His students didn't take this to kindly. They rebuked him saying "you question the divinity of Khrisna!" In Christianity, that would be Jesus. Or in Islam, Muhammad. And he said, "Heaven's no, I don't deny anyone their divinity. On the contrary -- we are all divine."

Friday, February 5, 2010

I am one soul and a hundred thousand bodies, each body and soul is no one but me. I pretend to be someone else so I can enjoy watching All of me.

~ Rumi